
I love Books 

There I said it.  I am a book person, and a huge reader…my girls are both readers (Lily especially), my parents are both readers, my grandparents were readers, my husband likes to read when he has time.  There have been books in every house I’ve ever lived in.  When we saw our new house and there were some built in bookshelves in the Living Room…hello nirvana!!  My ultimate house-fantasy is a library and a butler’s pantry.  Oh well, a girl can dream right?!  I read lots of different types of books and I definitely go through little mini-binges in what I read.  And since you are going to ask…real books, not e-readers.  Books with paper and binding and covers and that wonderful “crack” the first time you open a book and that wonderful new book smell…or, if you’re buying used, that deep musty smell of a well loved tome.  For the record, I am the only one of the 4 of us who does not read books on a Nook.  Hubby reads pretty much exclusively on his Nook, which is awesome because he can take his reading everywhere with him really easily.  The girls got Nooks from Santa for Christmas (hello black friday) and they switch off between their Nooks and real books.  They have discovered though that their allowance goes further buying Nook books rather than paper.

If you are a book lover, you very quickly realize that you will never live long enough to read every book on your “to read” list.  I used to think this was extremely depressing but, I have accepted it as one of those inevitable parts of life that must be completely ignored, stuffed in a box, in a closet, tied shut, then taped shut, closet locked, key thrown away.  There.  Now I feel better!

I have mostly kept lists so I know what I’ve read and what authors I’ve liked and would like to read again.  I thought I’d share my Reads, organized by year, in case you dear reader are looking for something to read.  I’ve organized my lists by year which you can access from the menu on the bar above, or by the links below…. Pull up your favorite chair, a cup of tea and your coziest afghan and dig right in  (this is the winter version….the summer version would be…deck chair, iced tea and beach towel)

Reads:  2011

Reads:  2012

Reads:  2013

Reads:  2014 

December 2022:  I obviously have issues keeping up with documenting the documenting LOL… come over and join me on Goodreads where is where I track my reading these days.  I’m just going to leave these right here for archival references!

Happy Reading!

One thought on “Reads

  1. Pingback: Reads…an update | triggsey

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