A few photos into a book…

Well…so this is how  – let’s send Dad a few photos from the girls prom –   turns into… let’s do a whole project…involving other people…just a few days before father’s day!    But it’s done done done.   Is it fancy?  Nope but will he like it?  Yes.  And that is the whole point.

I lucked out and found a Heidi Swapp storyline album on sale at JoAnn’s so I snapped it up as the base for the album.  My sister Tina sent me some photos and I included a few snaps from my sister Nora that I grabbed from a few places online… mixed them all up with my organized and tagged photos from Lightroom (not to be confused with the photos that are still waiting to be organized and tagged) and voila!  A book for Dad.  So excited to get this in the mail to him today but wanted to share a recap for my sisters and friends online.   Here is my not so fabulous completely amateur finished album video!

Family History Strategizing & digi scrapping goodness

For the past several years, I’ve been working on “The Triggs Family Archives”.  Really what this looks like is a giant pile of boxes and slide trays behind the living room couch.  We have a mix of printed photos, lots and lots of slides and a box of super 8 movie reels which honestly makes me queasy just thinking about it.    I have been picking away at scanning for the last year or two and it is a slow process.

As I’ve been scanning, I’ve been thinking carefully about the end product of all this work and Ive been formulating a plan that looks something like this:

  1.  Slides scanned at 600 dpi, and imported into their own “family history” catalog in Lightroom for further sorting, tagging etc…
  2.  Certain groups of slides will be made into photo books for gifts (ie. my Dad’s Marine Corps slides were made into a book and given to him for his birthday)
  3. Other various Family slides will be part of digital scrapbook pages, some simple, some more elaborate.  I have already printed a number of these pages out and put them in page protectors in my giant mishmash of scrapbook layout albums.  I had considered photo books for these photos but the random nature of these photos means I don’t know if I’ll ever feel “done” enough to print out a complete book… so printed layouts for now.
  4. Physical photos that we have come across are slipped into 3-up photo albums and as much information as we know written on the space next the photo sleeve.  Multiple photos of the same event are tucked into the same pocket, this way they are safe and secure while I figure out what to do with them.

Did I mention this is only one half of my family???  There are “The Kilmer Family Archives” that I need to work on as well…different set of parameters for that group of items!

A few years ago, I scanned a page of family photos all taken at the same time / day in 1961 at my Grandparents house in Rochester NY.    I made a layout a few years ago with one of the photos and my friend Janet’s “Rooted in the Past” kit from her company, Little Feet Digital Designs.  Last month she re-issued the kit and it’s HUGE !!!  Honestly I could scrap for months.  This iteration also contains Templates from Dagi’s Templates and the whole bundle of wonderfulness is wrapped up under their joint brand:  Partners in Crime Digital Designs.  I went on a little bit of a digi page making tear this weekend and managed to finish up working with all of the photos from that series!  whew!  So without further ado…. a completed set of layouts!!

09-24-Triggs-Clan-1961-WEB1961-Clover-Hills-Drive-RITP-WEB09-22-LFDD-RITP-FST+LFT-1961-WEB2015-39-The-3-Triggs-Men-WEBNot bad for a few days work!  I’m excited to make more layouts with this kit and get more of our family stories told!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!




Week in the Life 2017 (and where did the first quarter of 2017 go???)

I am not exactly sure where the first three months of this year got off to but they were certainly not spent with me writing on my blog !   Snow, moving Dad into a new apartment which entailed multiple trips to ROC, Snow, some cold, basketball, homework, Paris travel album project finished (!),  Hawaii travel album finished except for 2 sets of journal cards my family needs to fill out (!),  sleet, basketball,  all of my Modern HST Sampler blocks DONE!, pussyhat knitted, Women’s March attended, beer sampled, snow, bird feeders finally filled and hung, family, family, family (in the best most everyday way possible) gift quilt project started and top finished, meatballs made, shopped with teenagers, memory keeping projects worked on, business changing conference attended, new friends made, dog walked, sticks collected, moss wreath made (!)

OK, now you are caught up!

My next memory keeping project coming up is “Week in the Life” .  WITL is a memory keeping project conceived by Ali Edwards, you can read more about it on her website here.  It is an in-depth documentation of one ordinary week in our life.  I first participated in 2011, then in 2012 and 2013.   I organized my files in preparation for this year and realized that it looks like I did 2014 but never printed it out (?) I worked pretty much all digitally in 8.5×11 format for 2011-2014.  2015 I took a stab at but didn’t get far.  2016 I purchased Ali’s kit in the 6×8 format, but never really did anything with it…or so I thought !

Witl 1

LOL I decided to use my 2016 kit (I think there are still some available here) to document 2017…and when I pulled it out to get set up, look what I found… all the stuff and writing from 2016… well, all this will just get slotted in to the Project Life spread for that week because I’m only on March 2016 I think and this was from May.  Lemons=Lemonade.

This year, I am starting my documenting on Sunday, the 16th which is Easter.  It will be fun to document as we are hosting dinner and a lot of family will be here.  This will be the first year that I use physical product i/o digital so for me, setting up in advance and having a plan works much much better!  Here is my plan for this year….

Witl 4.jpg Yes, it’s super high tech..chicken scratch sketched on a piece of scrap paper!  Each day will have 2-6×8 slots for either a large photo, a good amount of writing or a cute 6×8 fill-in insert that I purchased last year in digital form.  4-4×6 slots, one of which will hold the “day” card (or maybe not, might move things around who knows?!)  2-3×8 slots, I have digital templates that I can make up and print out for these, or maybe just pretty paper or ???   7-3×4 slots, at least one of these will be a journal card, the rest depending on what’s going on, we’ll see.     I have set up my album with all the page protectors and cards in place and ready to go (with the full realization that I will most probably be moving things around…

In preparation, I also went in organized all of my digital elements.  I made a folder for WITL 2017 on my desktop and the a sub-folder for all of my digital items.   I copied all of the digital templates, artwork and files I may use into this file with a note to DELETE when done as I have the master copies in a WITL Master File.  I also made up a folder for each day to help organize the photos and what I’m going to print out.

Witl 2.jpg

I gathered up all of the kit elements, printed out the daily sheets (available on Ali’s blog), and found a pad of Studio Calico “printshop” paper that goes perfectly with the color scheme, just in case I need background paper for something I don’t want to have to go hunting.  I will most probably not use all of the items in the kit… I can see using the stamp set (need to find my “good” black ink), rubber word embellishments and the word stickers and a few of the round chipboard circles definitely.   Anything I don’t use will go into my soon to be re-arranged stash.

Witl 3.jpg

So here we are ready to go!  Baking tins too beat up to bake in make awesome project bins.  I’m really looking forward to this project this year after a few yeas off.  I was going through my past WITL spreads and the girls seemed so little! And we were in a different  house!  And the cats were still with us!  So much fun to look at all those memories now!  I hope you’ll join us next week!


Printing it out

I got a wonderful package to open BEFORE Christmas… yep, Christmas came early…


57 layouts that I had printed through Persnickety Prints.  I love their quality and their customer service.  A few times a year, they sell print credits for different sizes so I can print a 12×12 layout for half price.  The credits are perfect because they never expire, they just sit in your account until you are ready to order so…In keeping with my “print it out” mantra, I went into my files and discovered that there were layouts from 2015 that were waiting to be printed (!) no time like the present so I uploaded everything and off they went to the printers.  A week or so later, back came a lovely stack of layouts…and of course there they sat in my studio for two weeks until I finally got a moment to open them…


Yay for printed out layouts!  I’m so happy with how they all came out.  Now, the next thing?  Getting them all in an album….The thing after that?  Re-organizing my albums by year…because they are all completely random…half a dozen+albums crammed full of randomly filed layouts.  Put it on the to-do list for 2017!

On to more post-Christmas fun!!  Happy Wednesday everyone!



In the Studio:: On tossing out and starting fresh

This past week I did an extensive studio clean-up and scrapbooking supply organization (don’t get too excited, still not quite done with that part but it’s coming along nicely).  I have a pile of sewing projects to start/finish and a list of layouts and albums both digi and paper to work on, oh and hello…December Daily will be upon us before we know it – ahem!

I have been vexed by a dress that I sewed in April, and it has been in the pile and on the list since then.

Enter McCalls M5890


I had a lot of trouble with my sewing machine which resulted in not a great sewing outcome for this garment… the fit was OK and I wasn’t as wild about the fabric as a long dress, and the topstitching was horrible due to said machine problem (since having machine thoroughly cleaned this fall, the problems have all resolved themselves…magic!)  and I just wasn’t feeling it.  at.  all.   For months I’ve been going back and forth… can I fix the topstitching?  Should I just make a skirt out of it (I have about a yard extra to make waistbands etc…) and try and salvage something?  Do I even like the pattern anymore?  Do I like the fabric anymore?

Answers to above ?’s ??  No fixing the topstitching… No to the skirt, it’s just too contrived…No to salvage….No to the pattern, at least the top of the dress, don’t like how the neck/arm/capsleeve came together weirdly…No to the fabric, maybe for a t-shirt or shorts but not a dress, plus, it’s winter now ugh.

So here is my answer to the above conundrum:


Yep…86’d the whole thing… including the extra fabric…and I crossed it off my list.  I have to say, it was really hard to just toss it in the trash.  The save-every-scrap part of me was screaming but for the good of my sewing karma, it had to go.

I feel so much better now.

On to the next project!

Have you ever totally trashed a project?  Was it freeing or guilt inducing?