100 Days project … the warm up

OK, it’s really not the warm up…I thought it started today, not tomorrow.  AT ANY rate, I have been doing something creative every day so far in 2018 (I’ve missed one day).  I have however, not been documenting it.  So to add another layer of complexity to my life I am going to be participating in the #The100DayProject for the first time… I will be sharing my daily posts on Instagram, but I have to say probably not posting every day here, because that would be rather redundant BUT maybe several process posts ?  I’m not sure yet.  But for NOW 18-04-02-Halloween-1973-WEBI give you Halloween ca. 1973.  Charlie is in the middle flanked by his sisters.  I’ve been working on a Halloween through the years album.  The plan is to have as many generations as possible and so far I’ve got some layouts done of our girls, Charlie as a kid, and Charlie and I as adults.  I have photos of Charlie’s parents as young marrieds having a halloween party and somewhere there has to be photos of me (because there are so many the odds are in my favor).   So that’s been a fun little project on which to work.  A bit of warm up for the next 100 days.

I’m anticipating that my something creative will continue to be a mix of knitting, sewing, photo editing and scrapbooking.  I’m not sure if gardening will count if it ever finally warms up!  We’ll see how it goes.


Family History Strategizing & digi scrapping goodness

For the past several years, I’ve been working on “The Triggs Family Archives”.  Really what this looks like is a giant pile of boxes and slide trays behind the living room couch.  We have a mix of printed photos, lots and lots of slides and a box of super 8 movie reels which honestly makes me queasy just thinking about it.    I have been picking away at scanning for the last year or two and it is a slow process.

As I’ve been scanning, I’ve been thinking carefully about the end product of all this work and Ive been formulating a plan that looks something like this:

  1.  Slides scanned at 600 dpi, and imported into their own “family history” catalog in Lightroom for further sorting, tagging etc…
  2.  Certain groups of slides will be made into photo books for gifts (ie. my Dad’s Marine Corps slides were made into a book and given to him for his birthday)
  3. Other various Family slides will be part of digital scrapbook pages, some simple, some more elaborate.  I have already printed a number of these pages out and put them in page protectors in my giant mishmash of scrapbook layout albums.  I had considered photo books for these photos but the random nature of these photos means I don’t know if I’ll ever feel “done” enough to print out a complete book… so printed layouts for now.
  4. Physical photos that we have come across are slipped into 3-up photo albums and as much information as we know written on the space next the photo sleeve.  Multiple photos of the same event are tucked into the same pocket, this way they are safe and secure while I figure out what to do with them.

Did I mention this is only one half of my family???  There are “The Kilmer Family Archives” that I need to work on as well…different set of parameters for that group of items!

A few years ago, I scanned a page of family photos all taken at the same time / day in 1961 at my Grandparents house in Rochester NY.    I made a layout a few years ago with one of the photos and my friend Janet’s “Rooted in the Past” kit from her company, Little Feet Digital Designs.  Last month she re-issued the kit and it’s HUGE !!!  Honestly I could scrap for months.  This iteration also contains Templates from Dagi’s Templates and the whole bundle of wonderfulness is wrapped up under their joint brand:  Partners in Crime Digital Designs.  I went on a little bit of a digi page making tear this weekend and managed to finish up working with all of the photos from that series!  whew!  So without further ado…. a completed set of layouts!!

09-24-Triggs-Clan-1961-WEB1961-Clover-Hills-Drive-RITP-WEB09-22-LFDD-RITP-FST+LFT-1961-WEB2015-39-The-3-Triggs-Men-WEBNot bad for a few days work!  I’m excited to make more layouts with this kit and get more of our family stories told!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!




What I told my daughters this morning…

Yesterday, I was full of hope and excitement as I took my girls with me to vote for what I hoped would be the first woman president.  I even let them go to school late so we could have a celebratory breakfast at our favorite diner after we were done.  They have been following this election since the beginning and have only known Barak Obama as President.  I brought with me photos of my mother, both of my grandmothers, and my great-grandmother. We wore white under our coats.  5 generations voted yesterday.

I told them all about the ballot.  I told them how it all worked.  They got to see for themselves democracy in action.  I told them of course Hillary would win.


We all know what happened next.   In the depths of the night, in the hour of the wolf I kept thinking…what am I going to tell them tomorrow?  As I got them up and made their sandwiches this morning I kept thinking…what am I going to tell them?  I felt like I/we had failed to keep them safe, that as a nation we had let. them. down.

I drove them to school so they could have a little extra sleep in time after a long night of homework and tutors and papers and watching election returns…. I had 20+ minutes.

This is what I told them

I told them that we were going to do what Michelle Obama told us to do at the Democratic Convention (speaking through a lump in my throat) “When they go low, we go high”.

I told them that yes, Donald Trump had won 270+ Electoral Votes and was now President-elect of the United States.  I told them that Hillary had won the popular vote and that more people voted for her than for Trump, but that the Electoral Votes are the only ones that count.  I told them that the races were so so close in almost every state which means that he did not win by a landslide or a huge margin and we are still a nation deeply and bitterly divided.

I told them that we MUST be thankful that we live in a country that has free and fair elections.  No one has to know who you voted for.  You will not be threatened with death if you vote for the wrong candidate.  You will not be told for whom who to cast your one precious vote.  You will not be threatened or imprisoned for simply voting.  I told them that our tradition of peaceful transition of power MUST be maintained as that is one of the hallmarks of our democracy.  I told them that other countries are not so fortunate.

I told them that Republicans now effectively control two of the three branches of government in our country, which means that maybe there will be no more stonewalling.   Then, I explained stonewalling.  I told them that this President will be appointing at least one and most probably more Supreme Court justices who will decide the law throughout the land.

I told them that their reproductive rights are in jeopardy because of the potential to appoint conservative judges who could overturn Roe v. Wade in a court challenge.  Then I had to explain what reproductive rights are (I thought we’d already covered that).  That the leaders of our country will most likely try to de-fund Planned Parenthood and what exactly that organization does.  They were irate at the idea that someone was going to tell them what to do with their body, and that healthcare would be cut off for millions of women.

I told them that there was a potential for the court to roll back the Marriage Equality Act, making who you love effectively illegal.

They asked if their friends parents would be deported because they are not from this country and if the parents get deported, do the kids have to stay here without parents…and can we take in some of their friends if this happens  (insert heart breaking here).

They asked if a wall was going to be built to keep out Mexicans.  They asked if their muslim friends would be deported.  They wanted to know how it would work that all immigrants would be sent back (I corrected them that it was only illegal immigrants that were being spoken of but…who knows).

I told them to be kind to everyone at school today.  I told them to be especially kind to their friends who may be very worried about their families and what this election could mean to them.  I told them to hug their friends extra well today.

I told them that my/our ancestors came to this country from England fleeing religious persecution hundreds of years ago.  I told them one of my/our ancestors was executed, accused of being a witch at Salem.  I told them that my/our ancestors were involved  at the start of the American Revolution, were Sons of Liberty, and succeeded in throwing off the yoke of tyranny that England had settled around the Colonies. I told them that my/our ancestor was John Quincy Adams, Vice-President of the United States.   I told them my/our ancestors had fought in the Civil War, in the wars in this century and have defended our right to be free.  I told them to be proud Americans today as their heritage demanded nothing less.

I told them to always stand up and defend themselves.  I told them to call out hate and injustice.  I told them to never ever let someone take their freedom.  I told them to be kind.   I told them that Love Trumps Hate.

I told them that in the next Presidential election…they will be 19 and voting…and to remember today.

Memory Keeping:: Layout Share I promised!

Happy Weekend world!!

I promised you a layout Thursday to go along with the adorable photo I had of my mom as a little girl…so without further ado…



The Facebook Freebie kit from Little Feet Digital Designs is available now on the Facebook page so if you’re a digi-scrapper…go now and pick it up!  This freebie is also an add-on kit for a gorgeous collab collection that Janet contributed to called “Oh Snap” that is on special for  iDSD  at Gingersnaps.  For the above layout, I used only items that were in the freebie mini-kit.  Proving that you don’t need a 75 piece scrapbook kit to make a gorgeous page.  BUT it is fun to have ;-).  I’ll be busy this morning spearheading a big clean-out day at church and then (of course) there is a soccer game happening but I will definitely be making time to check out the iDSD sales at my favorite online shops !

Have a lovely weekend!

and happy scrapping!!






Happy Birthday Mom & a little photo restoring…

I don’t know about where y’all live but here in New England….I think it may be finally thinking about starting to be fall!  It’s definitely cooler, it’s actually been damp and chilly yesterday and today.  After a summer with almost no rain it was a bit of a relief I will say.  Time to dig out fuzzy socks and fleece over here.

Fall, closely followed by Winter means more inside crafting time around here.  There is still lovely outdoor time to be had in October but I’m definitely feeling the tug to come inside and make stuff!

Today would have been my Mom’s 83rd birthday.  (she’d kill me if she knew I said how old she was)  I was looking through some family scrapbooks and came across this photo of mom with her doll carriage at around 2 1/2 years old.  Love it.  In complete opposition to my usual scan it and make it perfect routine, I snapped a quick photo with my iPhone and tweaked it in PicTapGo (my go to phone editing app).  Here’s the before and after…

file-sep-29-1-34-59-pm file-sep-29-1-36-31-pm

I used probably about 4-5 different filters and heavily used the slider to get just the right adjustment.  My objective was really to up the contrast and bring out the details of the photo.  Since I’m working with a purely digital image, I love the flexibility to play around with all the options…


Pic Tap Go Filters: Auto Contrast +Fade to Autumn (appropriate yes?) + Equalize (just a touch)

Pic Tap Go Filters: Auto Contrast +Metropolitan

Pic Tap Go Filters: Auto Contrast +Metropolitan


Pic Tap Go Filters: Auto Contrast +Sweet Tooth+Crispity











You can go on all day with this.  So I’d better stop, eventually the people I live with will want to eat dinner ;-).  You get the idea.

Most of the photos in the albums are faded out, which isn’t surprising considering…they’re 83years old.  A number of them are even older.  Fortunately, they were stored in albums that were laid flat and did not really see the light of day too much.  The were also not stored in an attic or (even worse) a basement.  Several of the albums even zip shut, which is pretty cool and help keep the images away from sunlight.  So I’d say we’re doing pretty well all in all on antique photos.   I have stacks of albums and a big box of slides to scan and work with ….hello winter project!  I’ll share my progress with the project (and another new big project I have up my [long] sleeve) here as I go!

I have a sweet layout all ready for it’s unveiling using this photo… but it will have to wait until Saturday which is iDSD  (international Digital Scrapbook Day…. didn’t know there was one did ya!).  I’m using a freebie kit from Little Feet Digital Design which will release on her FB page on Saturday morning!  This freebie will also coordinate with a lovely collaboration kit at Gingerscraps which will be having all sorts of amazing sales on Saturday so if you’re a digital scrapbooker, you’ll want to stay tuned for that!

Check back Saturday morning for the layout!  Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day!!


*working out blog-kinks so hoping the photo formatting doesn’t look too wonky on your end!